Anyone can become a Reiki practitioner. What matters most is your desire and willingness to do so. Courses are fully inclusive and provide everything you need, whether you wish to be able to treat yourself, friends and family, or if you wish to offer Reiki to paying clients. Continuing support and mentoring is offered after the training to help you on your Reiki journey.
Claire and Lotti are able to offer multiple levels of Reiki training as detailed below:
- Reiki I and II
- Reiki Usui Master
- Reiki Holy Fire III® Master
- Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki® Master
There is a natural progression to Reiki training and therefore you must complete the courses in the order specified above (i.e. you cannot take a Master level course if you have not completed Reiki I and II). Usui Master and Holy Fire III Master may be offered/taken as a combined course, and/or Holy Fire III Master and Karuna Master may also be offered as a combined training, if Usui Master has already been completed.
If you are an existing Reiki Master with more than 12 months at Master level, and wish to partake in Holy Fire III® Master or Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki® Master then I just need to see a copy of your Master certificate.
Online Teaching:
Claire has undertaken specialised upgrade training with the ICRT (International Center for Reiki Training) and am able to offer comprehensive Reiki training at all levels online using Zoom. This meeting of technology and spirituality is yet another reflection and affirmation of the fact that the Reiki energies are ever evolving to meet our needs. If we look to the history of Reiki, we see that this has always been the case. It’s innate wisdom continues to be a source of fascination and wonder, and it’s calming, healing energy continues to be a limitless well of hope and love, which is especially important as the world goes through such a time of deep unrest.
Online classes are taught using Zoom. You will require a computer, tablet or smartphone to partake.
Anyone who completes their training online, will be able to join a future in-person training course of the same level at a reduced rate, the same way people who repeat their in-person training are offered a discounted rate. Each experience brings new insight and deeper connection, plus the opportunity to spend time immersed in the Reiki energies is always a good thing!
Upcoming Courses: In-Person and Online Training
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki I and II Training
2-Day Class In-Person
Where: King’s Lynn, Norfolk
When: TBC
Investment: £222
Please contact Claire via email or on 07564 905164 for more information on Reiki training.
Are you interested in becoming a Reiki Practitioner?
Becoming a Reiki Practitioner is very simple. You do not need to have special skills or any prior experience in energy work or holistic therapies. All that you need to know will be given to you during the course.
Reiki I re-awakens and enhances our connection to that which is most sacred within us; the universal life force energy of pure unconditional love. It works mainly on the physical body helping to balance the organism and boosts the body’s natural ability to heal itself. It also helps mentally and emotionally as it helps to disperse stress and toxins that have accumulated. Reiki helps us to establish a deeper level of love and respect for our physical bodies and may bring insights in to how we can achieve increased health and vitality.
Reiki II increases the amount of energy that we are able to hold and channel. It supports our own spiritual awakening as it deepens our connection with the source energy which runs in and with and through everything. In Reiki II we are introduced to Reiki symbols, which enable us to work more deeply on the mental and emotional levels as well as the physical. We also learn how to send distance healing. We deepen our relationship with Reiki and work more intuitively as we start to see a myriad of ways for using this extra-ordinary energy.
This Reiki I and II class will teach you how to give treatments to yourself and others. It will give you all that you need to know to be a confident Reiki Practitioner, with additional focus on self-treatment and distance Reiki. You will get the chance to give and receive treatment, and practice many techniques with your fellow students.
This Reiki I and II course is held over two days and includes:
Day 1:
• Reiki I placement
• Ocean of Holy Love Experience
• History of Reiki
• The Reiki ideals
• How to give yourself Reiki
• Japanese Reiki Techniques (JRT) for self-healing
• Byosen scanning, (how you can sense areas that need healing)
• Reiji-ho (developing your intuition)
• Gassho meditation
• Cleansing, protection and grounding
• Introducing the Reiki II symbols
• The Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice for being a professional therapist
Day 2:
• Energy clearing techniques
• Reiki II placement
• Holy Love Meditation experience
• Reiki 2 symbols; what they are, how to draw and how to use them
• Gyoshi-ho (alternative way to send Reiki)
• Enkaku chiryo (how to send distant /absent healing
• Sending Reiki to the past and future
• Treating animals and plants
• Reiki for spiritual growth and development
• Progression through Reiki – what is the next step for you?
Upon successful completion of the two-day class, you will receive certificates for Reiki I and II, comprehensive manuals and access to on-going support from your teacher. You will also be invited to join our monthly Online Reiki Shares.
Karuna/Holy Fire® III Master Training
3-Day Class on Zoom
When: TBC
Where: Live on Zoom
Investment: £444
This training is open to anyone who has been an Usui Reiki Master for at least 12 months, and who
feels ready to take the next step in expanding their practice. Are you actively involved in nurturing
your relationship with Reiki via self-practice, meditation, treatment of others, Reiki shares…? Do you
feel drawn to deepening your relationship with Reiki and continuing on your own journey? Do you wish to gain new skills to help treat your clients?
In the times of Usui Sensei, Hayashi Sensei and Mrs. Tanaka, Master Level used to only given at great personal investment. Nowadays, it is much more accessible but should still be treated with respect and reverence.
This Training is a combination class of Karuna Master and Holy Fire® Master. You will receive a new Master symbol, along with eight other symbols. You will engage in placements, ignitions and experiences as well as having the opportunity to practice techniques, ask questions and learn more about Reiki. Upon successful completion, you will be an Karuna/Holy Fire III® Master which not only upgrades your Reiki but qualifies you to teach Karuna and Holy Fire Reiki Maser classes. During the training, you will be given extensive instruction on how to do this, and Claire will also be available to support you going forward if this is something you feel you wish to pursue.
If you feel drawn to this training, you will be warmly welcomed on this 3-Day Training which includes the following:
– Holy Fire®/Karuna Master Ignitions
– Holy Fire® Reiki Experiences
– Practice of Japanese Reiki Techniques
– In depth exploration of Holy Fire® Reiki history, principles and teachings
– Reiki practice with new symbols
– Plentiful opportunity for self-growth, self-reflection and self-exploration
– Extensive guidance in how to teach Reiki classes both in-person and online, including provision of comprehensive class outlines
– Ongoing support from your teacher as you move forward on your Reiki journey
– The opportunity to connect monthly with your fellow students at monthly online Reiki shares
– A comprehensive digital or hard copy manual covering everything you will be taught and more
– Certification and lineage
If you have any questions, please contact Claire directly on 07564 905164 or email clairesangster@hotmail.co.uk