About Claire



Claire is an advanced level Myofascial Release therapist (John F. Barnes approach) and also teaches Myofascial Yoga. Claire is a qualified Holy Fire III Karuna® Reiki World Peace Master, long time reflexologist and massage therapist.

Claire offers treatments and training in King’s Lynn and Watlington, Norfolk and at The Secret Space in Hertford, Herts.

Claire has trained extensively with John F. Barnes in the USA in Myofascial Release (MFR) working with clients to address all kinds of stress, trauma and pain held in the body. Claire is a 200hr (working toward 500hr) qualified Myofascial Yoga teacher, trained by Christine Wushke offering classes and retreats to empower people to be able to take care of their own health on all levels. Claire has completed Reiki training with Gabriella Angus and William Rand, massage training at the London School of Massage and reflexology training at the British School of Reflexology and London School of Reflexology.


How did you get into holistic therapies?

I get asked this question a lot!

I first trained in Reflexology over 20 years ago, inspired and intrigued by the impact and effects it had on my own health. I was baffled how touching someone’s feet could elicit such positive benefit through the entire body. I initially trained under Ann Gillanders at The British School of Reflexology, and later at The London School of Reflexology with Louise Keet. Reflexology is a fabulous, non-invasive system of working that allows the whole body to be treated through the hands and/or feet. I have had the opportunity to provide reflexology to many people affected by many conditions influencing the physical body, as well as people living with addiction, mental health disorders and alcoholism. The profound relaxation and grounding provided by reflexology has supported their recovery processes immensely.

From the very first time I treated someone, it felt surprisingly natural to me. Over time, my touch deepened, and I found myself being drawn into other forms of bodywork including energetic and intuitive work. I was very much led by my intuition and had by this point learned to trust my hands. After a time, the practice of Myofascial Release (MFR) was brought to my attention, and after overcoming some initial trepidation (mostly based on the fact John Barnes looked like a slightly scary Australian farmer I once worked for!), I found myself in Sedona, Arizona taking MFR1, MFR2 and MFR Unwinding with John F. Barnes, in early 2016. I was lucky enough to complete many more courses with John and his team, as well as benefitting hugely from time spent with Deb Epstein, an amazing bodyworker, artist and shamanic practitioner based in Sedona.

Who is John Barnes?

John is an American phyiscal therpist who developed a fantastic way of working with the body based on his own experiences with injury and the frustration it can cause. Myofascial Release has been seen to achieve amazing results and bring great freedom, peace and health to many people. John has trained over 100,000 therapists during his many years of teaching and practising the healing arts. He is still teaching today after more than 60 years!

And healing is exactly that: an art form. No two people are the same. No diagnosis is ever going to display itself with precisely the same symptom patterns. There can be no prescription for treatment. No text book will ever prepare you for the infinite nuances of humanity embodied by the 7.8 billion people sharing this earth.

What I love about MFR is that it very much understands and teaches about the inherent wisdom within us all. Our bodies are always striving for health. Life, stress, accidents, trauma (emotional as well as physical) get in the way of optimum health and cause us to suffer – rather than enjoy – the experience of being embodied. With MFR, John has given substance and explanation to the ancient healing arts that have been used for thousands of years. In so doing, he has made healing accessible and tangible to thousands of people who may have been stuck in fear of the “woo-woo” nature of some forms of “healing”.

Living fascia…

What is fascia?

Above is living fascia… This is what we are all made of. Fascia is a multi-dimensional, whole body system that exists in what is known as the fourth phase of water – somewhere between liquid and solid. When it tightens through trauma, accident, surgery etc, it solidifies and sticks together, becoming restricted and causing pulls, strains and tensions throughout the body. It can cause a LOT of trouble including pain, restricted movement, fatigue and even depression/anxiety. See the Myofascial Release page for more details. I have attended many seminars in the USA with John Barnes and more can be found out about his work here.

What about Reiki?

I am a Holy Fire III Karuna® Reiki World Peace master and it absolutely fascinates me. I trained with both William Rand and Gabriella Angus. I marvel at how it works, particularly distance healing which I find myself doing a fair amount of. It’s a phenomenal tool and I am very grateful to have been given the gift of this way of working. I continue to deepen my practice and relationship with Reiki and love passing on this exquisite form of connection to others. Teaching Reiki and seeing people light up with the connection to Source and their own capacity to work with these beautiful healing energies is such a joy. I love it!

Tell me more about Myofascial Yoga…

My latest training is in Myofascial Yoga with the wonderful and profoundly knowledgeable Christine Wushke. More on her work can be found at Freely Human. By recognising the wisdom of traditional yoga that is also reflected in modern day fascial work, Christine has created an approach to practicing yoga that opens it’s gifts up to everyone. By learning to listen when our bodies are speaking and following our own innate wisdom, we are able to progress our healing and embrace our full capacity for health, presence and vitality in this world.

What else is there to know about you?

As well as holistic therapies, I love to write, and also to draw and paint. Words will just come and flow out of me, and for as long as I remember I have found writing to be a form of expression I love to play with. I am fairly sure I paint a picture better with words than I do with paint but you can be the judge of that! Check out the Art and Writings pages for more…

I love the natural world, and can often be found following my feet through fields and woods, marvelling at red kites and revelling in the feel of the wind on my face (or just taking silly photos!). Outside is the place I feel closest to Life. It’s where I breathe the easiest. It’s where I feel most at home, and in tune. It is also my greatest teacher. By observing the fluxes, flows and patterns of nature, I have learned a lot about how life works. Just look to the falling leaves to learn the beauty of letting go.. Observe the seasons for lessons in how all things pass and change.. See the lioness with her cub to know that even the fiercest of beasts is capable of the gentlest of love…

At times my life has taken me deep into the dark, and in those places I learned a lot about the tenacity of the human spirit, and the strength of the human body. These days I love to enjoy the simple things. I learn more and more about the beauty of the subtle, and the exquisite nature of simplicity. I have been known to cry with joy upon seeing birds of prey on more than one occasion, mesmerised by their grace, and filled with joy that today my eyes and my heart are open enough to see clearly. I do my best to spend some time outside each day as this is a major source of recharge for me, and my “God time”; the time when I just quieten down and embrace being a part of this world. I practice yoga/movement and some form of meditation/stillness each day.

Due to my own journey, I am aware how debilitating, frustrating and scary losing physical or mental well-being can feel. For me, a combination of MFR, yoga/unwinding, Reiki and activities that focus on connection and creative expression enable me to live a full, happy and pretty amazing life filled with love. My past is a huge asset to me in my work, empowering me to connect deeply with the people I work with. I love what I do, and today I can say that I love who I am too.